Programming in C
1 | Introduction to Programming in C |
1.5 | Structure of a C program |
1.6 | C Tokens |
1.6.1 | Variables |
1.6.2 | Data types |
1.6.3 | Operators |
1.7 | Formatted I/O Statement |
1.8 | Unformatted I/O Statement |
2 | Controlling Statement |
2.1 | Decision Making Statement |
2.1.1 | If Statement |
2.1.2 | If- else Statement |
2.1.3 | Nested if –else Statement |
2.1.4 | Else if Ladder Statement |
2.1.5 | Switch Statement |
2.2 | Loop Statement |
2.2.1 | For Loop |
2.2.2 | While Loop |
2.2.3 | Do-while Loop |
2.2.4 | Nested for Loop |
2.3 | Break, goto and Continue |
3 | Function in C |
3.1 | Functions in C |
3.3 | User defined functions |
3.4 | Recursion |
4 | Array and Structure |
4.1 | Arrays |
4.3 | One dimensional Array |
4.4 | Two dimensional Array |
4.5 | Standard String library functions |
4.6 | Creating structures |
4.8 | Unions |
Important Programs
1 | Write a C program to display the all even numbers between 1 to 100. (Oct/Nov, 2016) |
2 | Write a program in C to interchange the values of two variables. (Oct/Nov, 2016) |
3 | Write a program in c to calculate the area of circle. (Oct/Nov, 2016) |
4 | Write a program in c to calculate the sum of odd numbers between 1 to 30. (Oct/Nov, 2016) |
5 | Write a program to find smallest element in an array. (BCS Oct/Nov, 2016) |
6 | Write a program to generate n terms of Fibonacci Series. (BCS Oct/Nov, 2016) |
7 | Write a program for call by value. (BCS Oct/Nov, 2016) |
8 | W.A.P that reads a number between 1 to 7 and display the day name. (BCS SE Oct/Nov, 2016) |
9 | W.A.P to display following structure (BCS SE Oct/Nov, 2016)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
10 | W.A.P for two matrix addition. (BCS SE Oct/Nov, 2016) |