1 Introduction to Programming in C
1.5 Structure of a C program
1.6 C Tokens
       1.6.1 Variables
       1.6.2 Data types
       1.6.3 Operators
1.7 Formatted I/O Statement
1.8 Unformatted I/O Statement


Structure of a C program

Structure of a C program

Writing First Program

C Tokens

Variables C Program

Data Type

char Data Type Program

Integer Data Type Program

Float Data Type Program

Double Data Type Program


Arithmetic Operators (Binary Operators)

Arithmetic Operators (Unary Operators)

Increment Operator

Decrement Operator

Address Operator(&)

sizeof() Operator

Relational Operator

Relational Operator Program

Relational Operator In Conditional Statement

Logical Operator

Logical AND Operator

Logical OR Operator

Logical NOT Operator

Bitwise Operator

Bitwise AND Operator

Bitwise OR Operator

Bitwise XOR Operator

Right shift Operator (>>)

Left shift Operator (<<)

One's Complement Operator

Conditional Operator

Program Using Conditional Operator

Scope resolution Operator

Formatted IO Functions

scanf() Function

scanf to Get Input

Unformatted IO Functions

getchar() Function

getch() Function

getche() Function

putchar() Function

putch() Function

gets() Function

puts() Function

Decision Making Statement

if statement

if-else Statement

Nested if statement

Else if Ladder Statement

Switch Statement

Loop Statement

for loop

while loop

Do-while Loop

nested for Loop

nested while loop

nested do while loop

Break, goto and Continue

Break Statement

Continue Statement

goto statement


User defined functions

Functions Without Arguments Without Return Values

Functions With Arguments Without Return Values

Functions Without Arguments With Return Values

Functions With Arguments With Return Values


Call By Value And Call By Reference

Call By Value

Call By Reference


One Dimensional Array

Two Dimensional Array

String library functions

Arrays Of String(Using Pointer)



Difference Between Structure and Union

Accessing a Union Member

Write a C program to display the all even numbers between 1 to 100

Write a program in C to interchange the values of two variables

Swapping of two numbers with third variable

Swapping of two numbers without third variable

Write a program in C to calculate the area of circle.

Write a program in c to calculate the sum of odd numbers between 1 to n.

Write a program to find smallest element in an array

Write a program to generate n terms of Fibonacci Series.

Fibonacci Series up to n number of terms.

Fibonacci Sequence Up to a Certain Number

Write a program for call by value.

W.A.P that reads a number between 1 to 7 and display the day name.

W.A.P to display following structure.

W.A.P for two matrix addition.